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Legal Aid
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Mega-Trials designation
SARPA (child support)
Legal consultation and representation services for individuals who are victims of domestic violence and sexual violence – REBÂTIR
Legal Information
Laws and Regulations
Legal Briefs
Justice for all
Information campains
Rate of indexation of support payments
Interest rate pursuant to section 28 of the Tax Administration Act for debts owed to the State
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Documents transmitted following an information access request - Review Committee
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Final decision and without appeal
Loi sur l'aide juridique - texte annoté (In french only)
Règlement sur l'aide juridique - texte annoté (In french only)
Access to information
Laws and Regulations
Legal Briefs
Justice for all
Information campains
Debts and seizures
Ju$tice at right price
De Facto union
Used car
Rate of indexation of support payments
Interest rate pursuant to section 28 of the Tax Administration Act for debts owed to the State
Legal Information/
Laws and Regulations
Laws and Regulations
Laws and Regulations
(source: Publications Québec)
Laws and regulation
An Act respecting legal aid and the provision of certain other legal services
Loi sur l’aide juridique et sur la prestation de certains autres services juridiques et son règlement-Texte annoté
(source: Commission des services juridiques)
Regulation respecting legal aid
Règlement sur l'aide juridique-texte annoté
(source: Commission des services juridiques)
Regulation respecting eligibility for legal aid (sect. 5)
Regulation respecting the application of the Act respecting legal aid and the provision of certain other legal services
act to promote access to justice through the establishment of the service administratif de rajustement des pensions alimentaires pour enfants (SARPA)
Regulation respecting the application of the Act to promote access to justice through the establishment of the Service administratif de rajustement des pensions alimentaires pour enfants
Regulation respecting the application of certain provisions of the chapter III of the act
•Regulation respecting the report relating to the services rendered by certain advocates and notaries
Tariff of fees of advocates, december 2020 (chapitre A-14, r.5.1.1)
Tariff of fees of advocates, december 2020 (chapitre A-14, r. 5.3)
riff of fees and expenses of advocates, april 2010
Tariff of fees and expenses of advocates rendering services in criminal and penal matters, april 2010
(Replaced by the tariff of April 2010 – Criminal and penal matters, see above)
Tariff of fees of notaries for services rendered under the Act respecting legal aid and the provision of certain other legal services
In french only
Agreement between the minister of Justice and the Barreau du Québec respecting the tariff of fees of advocates for legal services under paragraph 1.1° of section 4.7 of the Act respecting legal aid and the provision of certain other legal services and the dispute settlement procedure
To find out more
Access to information Coordinator
Community Legal Centres
Legal Aid Offices
Organizational Charts