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Commission/ History


The history of the Commission des services juridiques is intertwined with that of the legal aid network.

Adopted in 1972, the Legal Aid Act was part of the wave of legislation dealing with various social issues introduced in the 1970s.

Setting up

Inspired by a spirit of social reform, the legal aid network was the result of much reflection on the need to provide legal services to economically disadvantaged citizens.


Since the 1970s, the legal aid network has continually evolved to better respond to the legal needs, demographic profile and geographic breakdown of its clientele. The central mission of legal aid remains the same, but there have been significant changes in the way the Legal Aid Act is applied. Over the years, the network has strengthened and matured to become an indispensable source for access to justice in Québec.    

 Key dates

Adoption of the Legal Aid Act
Creation of a working group on access to justice
Report of the Working Group on Access to Justice; L’aide juridique: un bilan – Macdonald Report
Introduction of Bill 87 (Act amending the Legal id Act)
Report of the Task Force on Legal Aid Reform – Schabas Report
Legal aid reform
Sauvé Report
Report of the Working Group on Reform of the Legal Aid System in Québec; Pour une plus grande admissibilité à la justice – Moreau Report
Implementation of increases in financial eligibility thresholds (2006 – 2010)
The Legal Aid Act becomes An Act respecting legal aid and the provision of certain other legal services - the chapter III of the law, sections 83.1 to 83.26, is added (In force : September 7th 2010).
Coming into force on October 10th 2013 of the Homologation Assistance Service (HAS) created by An Act to promote access to justice in family matters (S.Q. 2012, c. 20) amending our Act.
Coming into force on April 1st 2014 of the Child Support Recalculation Service, officially known as the Service administrative de rajustement des pensions alimentaires pour enfants (SARPA) created by the Act to promote access to justice through the establishment of the Service administratif de rajustement des pensions alimentaires pour enfants (CQLR, c. A-2.02)

Increase in the eligibility threshold for free legal aid with the minimum wage as a benchmark.



© Commission des services juridiques Création: Diane Laurin - 2017