The Homologation Assistance Service is intented for parties residing in Quebec who wish, for whatever reason, to modify arrangements pertaining to child custody or access rights or support involving a child or spouse (or former spouse), where the parties have previously obtained a judgment with respect to child support alone or child and spousal support.
The parties must choose a lawyer (either a lawyer who is a legal aid staff member or a lawyer in private practice) to draft the agreement. The agreement is then mailed to the office of the court. The agreement is subsequently homologated by the special clerk and, as a result, becomes a judgment of the Superior Court and is then executory. The parties' lawyer sends each of them a copy of the judgment.
Parties need not be financially eligible for legal aid in order to use the HAS. The service is offered to everyone at a fixed price of $647. of which each party pays half. Individuals who are financially eligible for gratuitous legal aid are not required to pay anything and those eligible under the contributory scheme pay the lesser of the contribution calculated in accordance with the Regulation respecting legal aid or the cost of the HAS.