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For more information on the Commission des services juridiques, members of the media should contact Mr Nadine Koussa, Communications responsible at 514-873-3562 ext: 5249.

Press Releases


Press Releases 2012

Montreal, December 28 2012  - The January 1, 2013 indexation will increase the eligibility threshold for gratuitous legal aid to $13,910 and the maximum eligibility threshold for the contributory scheme to $21,547 for single individuals. It bears reminding that single individuals repres more
Montréal, 30 novembre 2012. - En réaction à l’article « Aides familiales résidantes : un centre de consultation juridique verra le jour » publié le 28 novembre 2012 dans La Presse et écrit par Anabelle Nicoud, la Commission des services juridiques tient à préciser qu’il est inexa more
Montreal, November 9, 2012 - On November 8, 2012, Me Denis Roy, Chairman of the Commission des services juridiques, proudly presented the 2012 Robert-Sauvé Awards in Laval, in the presence of the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Québec, Me Bertrand St Arnaud. The awards were created in order to recognize the exceptional contribution of individuals to promoting the rights of the less fortunate. The prize is named after the founding chairman of legal aid in Québec, Robert Sauvé, who was Chairman of the Commission des services juridiques from 1972 to 1977. Each year, one award is presented to a person from within the legal aid network and another to a member of the general public. 

This year, the winner in the Legal Aid Network category was Mr. Jules Barrière for his efforts in promoting the rights of the disadvantaged, including as Director General of the Outaouais Community Legal Centre. The 2012 award in the General Public category was conferred upon Mr. André Laurin for his efforts in promoting social justice and, in particular, ensuring that the rights of Québec consumers are recognized, regardless of income or social status. 

Jules Barrière 
Jules Barrière, who retired as judge of the Court of Québec for the judicial district of Hull in February 2009, devoted the majority of his professional life to helping the most disadvantaged individuals within our society. He began the practice of law in 1961 in the city of Hull. While in private practice, he participated in designing the model used for Québec’s legal aid system by working with its founding chairman. 

From the moment the Legal Aid Service of the Hull Bar Association was established, he joined its ranks. In 1972, when the legal aid network was created, he became the first Director General appointed to head the Outaouais Community Legal Centre. He sat on the negotiating committee that forged a reciprocity agreement between the legal aid plans of Canada’s provinces and territories, thereby ensuring that residents most in need of help would have access to legal services. 

André Laurin 
From the outset of his career in the public sector at the Confédération des syndicats nationaux, André Laurin took a keen interest in the issue of employee indebtedness, to such an extent that his initiatives led to the creation of the cooperative associations for family economics, better known as ACEF. Moreover, he was a legal aid pioneer in Québec, becoming the first chairman of the board of directors of the Québec City Community Legal Centre, a position he held from 1973 to 1977. 

Mr. Laurin was also the first recipient of the award conferred by the Office de la protection du consommateur in 2003 and was awarded the Prix de la justice du Québec in 2009. 

About the Commission des services juridiques 

The Commission des services juridiques is the agency charged with applying the Act respecting legal aid and the provision of certain other legal services in Québec. Legal aid may be granted to anyone who is financially eligible, in order to cover various legal services involving civil, family, administrative, criminal, mental health or youth law matters. The Commission des services juridiques will also be the agency charged with overseeing the services offered as of 2013 under the Act to promote access to justice through the establishment of the Service administratif de rajustement des pensions alimentaires pour enfants


Source: Me Richard La Charité  
Director, Communication Department 
514 873-3562, extension 261
Montréal, le 9 novembre 2012 - Le ministre de la Justice et Procureur général du Québec, Me Bertrand St-Arnaud a accepté volontiers l’invitation du président de la Commission des services juridiques, Me Denis Roy, à s’adresser aux avocates et avocats permanents de more
Montréal, 19 juin 2012. - Le 6 juin dernier, le Conseil des ministres a procédé à la nomination de Me Denis Roy en tant que président de la Commission des services juridiques (CSJ) pour un troisième mandat. 

Au moment de sa nomination, Me Roy agissait à
Montréal, 1er juin 2012 – À compter du 1er juin 2012, une hausse progressive des seuils d’admissibilité est prévue sur une période de trois ans. Les seuils continueront d’être indexés au 1er janvier de chaque année. À terme, la hausse des seuils du volet avec more
Montreal, March 30, 2012. - Me Denis Roy, Chairman of the Commission des services juridiques du Québec, is pleased to announce the opening of the nomination period for the 2012 Robert-Sauvé Award. “I invite all individuals and organizations to highlight the ongoing commitment of a more
© Commission des services juridiques Création: Diane Laurin - 2017