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For more information on the Commission des services juridiques, members of the media should contact Mr Nadine Koussa, Communications responsible at 514-873-3562 ext: 5249.

Press Releases


Press Releases 2018

Montréal, 4 décembre 2018 – Me Yvan Niquette, président de la Commission des services juridiques annonce que son rapport de gestion 2017-2018 a été déposé le 30 novembre 2018 à l’Assemblée nationale.

À cette occasion, Me Niquette a affirmé : « Ce rapport démontre le rôle essentiel
Merit Awards 2018
Montreal, November 19, 2018.- It is with geat pride that Me Yvan Niquette, Chairman of the Commission des services juridiques, presented the Commission des services juridiques' Merit Awards in Montreal on November 16, 2018. These awards recognize the exceptional contribution of employees thro more
16 août 2018 - La population des Îles-de-la-Madeleine pourra désormais bénéficier d’une majoration de 20 % des seuils d’admissibilité financière aux services d’aide juridique.

Le député des Îles-de-la-Madeleine, M. Germain Chevarie, et la ministre de la Justice et procureure générale du Québe
Announcement of Justice, Stéphanie Vallée, and the Chairman of the CSJ
Montreal, May 31, 2018 – As of today, the legal aid eligibility thresholds increased by 6.67%, which is equal to the percentage by which the minimum wage increased on May 1, 2018. 

The Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Québec, Stéphanie Vallée, and the Chairman of the Commission des services juridiques, Me Yvan Niquette, made the announcement today.

Me Niquette recalled that, on January 1, 2016, the eligibility thresholds for no-cost legal aid were increased, with the minimum wage as a reference point. The current indexation therefore maintains the eligibility thresholds at this level.

As a result, a person who is single and works a 35-hour week at minimum wage, which is $21,840 per year, has access to a lawyer, at no cost, within the framework of the legal aid system. Moreover, legal aid services are free to a family of two adults and two children whose income is less than $35,814.

The Québec legal aid plan includes a component for individuals whose income falls between the eligibility thresholds for free legal aid and the maximum thresholds requiring a contribution (contributory legal aid). According to Me Niquette, the contributory scheme offers a unique formula that allows individuals to be represented in court by a lawyer while knowing, in advance, the maximum amount of their legal fees and the costs that may be claimed from them. The contributory scheme allows an individual to receive legal services if his or her income, assets and liquidities match the eligibility scale in effect and if the individual pays a contribution ranging from $100 to $800, depending on the composition of the person's family and the person's financial situation. The eligibility scale for legal aid under the contributory scheme also increased by 6.67%.

“The increase in the legal aid eligibility thresholds will benefit thousands of low-income individuals in Québec. In addition, through this indexation, we ensure that citizens earning the minimum wage continue to be eligible for the services offered by the Commission. This increase in the eligibility thresholds unequivocally demonstrates the government's desire to promote better access to justice for Quebeckers”, stated Minister Vallée.

Annonce de la ministre de la Justice
La ministre de la Justice et Procureure générale du Québec, Mme Stéphanie Vallée, a lancé le 9 avril 2018, à l’occasion du Salon VISEZ DROIT, l’outil de calcul des pensions alimentaires pour enfants du gouvernement du Québec.

Ce nouvel outil de calcul est gratuit, simple et rapide à remplir.
The Commission des services juridiques is pleased to announce that, on January 26, 2018, it entered into a partnership agreement with the Office des personnes handicapées du Québec. 

The purpose of the partnership is to establish a network through which the partners can exchange informat
© Commission des services juridiques Création: Diane Laurin - 2017