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For more information on the Commission des services juridiques, members of the media should contact Mr Nadine Koussa, Communications responsible at 514-873-3562 ext: 5249.

Press Releases


Press Releases 2009

Montreal, December 29, 2009.  - The 2010 increase will bring the legal aid eligibility threshold up by 44.8% as compared with 2005 for single individuals who, it bears reminding, represent 73% of the legal aid clientele. In 2005, such individuals were limited to a maximum annual income of $8,870 in order to be eligible for gratuitous legal aid. As of January 1, 2010, these individuals will be permitted to have income of up to $12,844 in order to benefit from gratuitous legal aid and income of up to $18,303 in order to benefit from legal aid under the contributory scheme. The other classes of beneficiaries, namely, one parent with a child (or children) or a couple with or without children, have benefited from an average increase of approximately 27%. 

This measure constitutes the fifth consecutive increase since January 26, 2006, and it is coupled with the permanent annual indexation decreed under the regulation adopted to that effect on December 21, 2005. The adoption of these measures put an end to a freeze of over 20 years in the eligibility threshold for single individuals and of 10 years for the other classes of beneficiaries. 

Me Denis Roy, Chairman of the Commission des services juridiques, reminds the public that it is to the advantage of persons who require legal assistance and may be eligible for legal aid to contact the legal aid office closest to their residence in order to confirm such eligibility. “Given the terms and conditions prescribed by the act and the regulations, only legal aid staff can determine your eligibility; it is therefore important to make an appointment with a legal aid lawyer,” stated Me Roy. 

The Commission des services juridiques is the agency charged with applying the Legal Aid Act in Québec. Legal aid may be granted to anyone who is financially eligible, in order to cover various legal services involving civil, family, administrative or criminal matters or matters relating to youth law.

 The new eligibility scale for services at no cost is as follows:

Category of Applicant : Maximum Annual Income 

  • For a single person :    $12,844 

For an applicant whose family is comprised of: 

  • one adult and one child : $15,712 
  • one adult and 2 children or + : $16,774 
  • spouses without children : $17,874 
  • spouses with 1 child : $19,998 
  • spouses with 2 children or + : $21,060 

According to Me Roy, the contributory scheme offers a unique formula that allows individuals to be represented by a lawyer before the courts while knowing, in advance, the maximum amount of the legal fees and costs. The contributory scheme allows an individual to receive legal services if his or her income, assets and liquidities match the eligibility scales in effect and if the individual pays a contribution ranging from $100 to $800, depending on the person’s situation. The eligibility scale for legal aid under the contributory scheme is as follows: 

Category of Applicant : Maximum Annual Income 

  • For a single person : $18,303 

For an applicant whose family is comprised of:

  • one adult and one child : $22,390 
  • one adult and 2 children or + : $23,902 
  • spouses without children :   $25,471 
  • spouses with 1 child : $28,497 
  • spouses with 2 children or + : $30,011 

For more information, please contact your local legal aid office or visit the Web site of the Commission des services juridiques at: http://www.csj.qc.ca


Source : 
Me Monique Jarry Director, 
Communications Department 
(514) 873-3562, extension 261
Montréal, November 10, 2009. - On November 5, 2009, in Longueuil, Me Denis Roy, Chairman of the Commission des services juridiques, proudly handed out the 2009 Robert-Sauvé Awards. The winner in the General Public award is Father Yves Marcil, co-founder of the Centre Roland-Bertrand. The winn more
Montréal, le 6 juillet 2009 - Le 23 juin dernier, le Conseil des ministres a procédé à la nomination de Me Denis Roy en tant que membre et président de la Commission des services juridiques (CSJ) pour un second mandat de trois ans.

 Au moment de sa nomination, Me R
Montréal, 6 avril 2009. - Me Denis Roy, président de la Commission des services juridiques du Québec, annonce le début de la période de mise en candidature pour le prix Robert-Sauvé 2009.

Le prix Robert-Sauvé vise à souligner la contribution exceptionnelle de deux indiv
Montréal, April 1, 2009. - Me Denis Roy, Chairman of the Commission des services juridiques (CSJ), today launched the information campaign entitled Legal Aid, Ju$tice At the Right Price, aimed at fostering greater awareness about the legal aid system among potentially eligible pers more
Montréal, 27 mars 2009.- La Commission des services juridiques est fière de s’associer au ministère de la Justice à titre de partenaire Bronze de la semaine des Rendez-vous avec la justice qui se déroulera partout au Québec du 30 mars au 4 avril prochain. L’événement a été lancé cet ap more
Un aide-mémoire efficace sur la réalité juridique des conjoints de fait

Montréal, 22 janvier 2009. - Me Denis Roy, président de la Commission des services juridiques (CSJ), rappelle que la CSJ met gratuitement à la disposition de la population un aide-mémoire pratique qui r
© Commission des services juridiques Création: Diane Laurin - 2017